The Metaphor Mirror
"This experience seems to synchronize [participants'] thoughts to emotions. I think they gain some control here. I notice a shift in the atmosphere on the ward after the metaphor group. [Patients] are relaxed and listening to each other. I see relief, and smiles among the staff as well."
- ward psychologist
- staff oncologist
"All patients should have access to this kind of experience."
- hospital administrator
"That's me. In the poetry I made. I wouldn't know how else to say it."
- chemotherapy patient
"I didn't know [what] was on her mind. It's very complicated. I didn't know. Can I do one, too [a metaphor mirror]?"
- daughter of a cancer patient
"The white page is an excellent listener."
- psychiatric patient
"Do you remember me? I'm ok now. I made that poem with you, the mirror - I kept it. I still have it."
- oncology patient, 5 years post treatment
"I'm really surprised, because I didn't think I would say things. I like this."
- psychiatric patient
"It feels sad but it's also beautiful. Wonderful."
- oncology patient
"My wife should do it."
- oncology patient
"In my opinion, [we] men are better at this. We don't usually talk this way, like you're poetry, so it's easier for you to jump in with the heart and not try to answer how you're supposed to. The women [in the group] were thinking ahead, like they get it already, like they're going to tell you the right answer. But you have to go from the gut. You're not going to feel better when you go from the head..."
- psychiatric patient
"Yes, that's how I feel..."
- nurse, kidney dialysis
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